Mouchamps. New panels to see more clearly

Mouchamps. New panels to see more clearly
Mouchamps. New panels to see more clearly

The people of Mouchamps have probably noticed the new signage put in place a few weeks ago. If the idea was born under the previous mandate, everything was finalized in recent months after a study carried out in partnership with a heritage architect underlines the mayor, Patrick Mandin. We wanted to give more visibility and consistency to the display of businesses, public services and various points of interest in the town. Especially since signage is one of the criteria observed during the Small City of Character label. . Thus, from now on, institutional buildings are marked in blue; those with a heritage or cultural vocation in brick red; private businesses and services in gray and, finally, other buildings and sports facilities in green. In the coming months, this new signage will be reinforced by the installation of signs or gallows on the facades of public buildings. In the same spirit, a municipal plan, enriched with various public and private services, should soon see the light of day at Place Georges-Clemenceau.



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