the complete program and prices for the 8th edition

the complete program and prices for the 8th edition
the complete program and prices for the 8th edition

The 8th edition of the 24 Hours piano organized by the Pianoctambule association will take place on Saturday November 23 and Sunday November 24, 2024 at the higher school of art and design, 28, avenue Rostov-sur-le-Don in . This year, the theme is night. The ticket office is open.

What is the program?

Saturday November 23

From 4:30 p.m.: boarding

5 p.m.: piano take-off. Prelude to the night, from Maurice Ravel to David Bowie. Gwendal Giguelay, solo piano, 13 minutes.

5:13 p.m.: piano-turns. 12 nights at sunset. Hélène de Mongeroult., Chopin, Poulenc, Fauré… Domitille Bès, solo piano. 50 minutes.

6:03 p.m.: celestial piano. Listening to the stars (1/4), electroactoustic concert for the celestial vault, Inouïe company. Thierry Balasse and Hélène Schmit, synthesizers, accordion and percussion. 29 minutes.

6:03 p.m.: cinema-piano. A trip to the moon by Georges Méliès (1/4), silent cinema accompanied live. Gwendal Giguelay, improvisations. 29 minutes.

6:32 p.m.: moon-dark piano. “And the moon wanders between the shadows” according to Debussy and Rameau (1/4). Cécile Maisonhaute, prepared and electroacoustic piano. 18 minutes.

6:50 p.m.: kitchen piano. Afternoon and meal by moonlight. Mezza-luna and tiramisu from Clairs de lune chef Clementi, Beethoven, Debussy… Collectif les Pianoctambules, chef Mickaël Sérafin. By reservation. 1:10 a.m.

8 p.m.: fantastic piano. Fantastic Nights, Beethoven “Moonlight”, Mozart / Chernov: “A Night on Bald Mountain”, Ravel “Gaspard of the Night”. Alexey Chernov, solo piano.

21 h 07 :…



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