work on the Saint-Seurin-sur-l’Isle swimming pool will cost more than expected

SThe closure had been a hard blow. In 2021, the Bains de l’Isle aquatic complex plunged into compulsory liquidation proceedings, after several waves of deficits. Since then, the building has been empty and, outside the good season, swimmers are forced to swim 25 km to reach Calinesia and . The announcement of its reopening was hoped for. It will take place at the beginning of 2023, during the greeting ceremony of Philippe Buisson, the president of the Libourne agglomeration community (Cali). “On this issue, intercommunal solidarity will be fully expressed since Cali will finance all the investments necessary for its reopening. Or 500,000 euros,” he announced, with the ambition of reopening in the first quarter of 2024.

Slide enthusiasts can rest assured, it stays in place.

L. D.

This was without taking into account the numerous unpleasant surprises discovered at the start of the project in May: crack in the buffer basin, joints to be redone, catastrophic energy balance… “Things which were not visible before the start of the work”, indicates Hugues Benedetti, works engineer at Cali. Results: after having climbed to 900,000 euros, the cost of the rehabilitation soared to 1.5 million for the return of bathers scheduled for April 2025.

Energy strainer

“It’s a swimming pool built eighteen years ago and which was closed for three years,” recalls Jean-Louis Arcaraz, delegated advisor in charge of sports within Cali. To alleviate the pain, from the start, the decision was made to remove the wellness area with hammam and sauna. The slide remains.

As for the rest, everything has been reviewed. From the reception area which will now be located opposite the front door to the creation of a separation between the swimming pool area and the changing rooms/reception. “Before, it was 28° with humidity of 60% both on the pool side and at the entrance. This is no longer possible. » So no more tropical climate everywhere. The building also turned out to be an energy sieve. “We realized that we had to change the gas boiler, just with that, we will reduce our consumption by 10%. All the frames, and there are many of them in this equipment with glass surrounds, will also be renewed to upgrade to double glazing. “That alone is 150,000 euros in expenses. » Ultimately, overall consumption will be reduced by 45%.

The entrance and changing rooms will now be separated from the pool area by a partition, in order to better regulate the temperature.

L. D.

And the list of purchases is long: new plinths, new overflow chutes, new thermodynamic power plant – the largest investment at 180,000 euros –, new gas boiler therefore… The staff will also have a real changing room. And the walls will be decorated in the colors of… Calinesia. Next week, five companies will be present on site. There will be 12 the next one. Objective: return the basins to water in January 2025 for the first tests and adjustments.

Some upcoming recruitments

Although the time has not yet come for the details of price and organization, the broad outlines have already been outlined. Operation will be ensured by Matthieu Peigné, the director of Calinesie. For the Saint-Seurin swimming pool, he will manage four lifeguards, a technician and two reception staff. “There will be recruitment, even if a little internal mobility is also planned, with employees from Calinesia wanting to be closer to home,” indicates Jean-Louis Arcaraz. The price should be aligned with that of the Libourne aquatic complex, around €4.90.

Cali is proactive on the subject, because the area is already seriously lacking in swimming pools. The choice to establish Calinesie in Libourne was also legitimized by the existence of the Saint-Seurinoise structure. Finally, the Agglo has always wanted the inhabitants of Libourne to be located within thirty minutes of a pool.

“This matters for users, but also for schools. Some ended up having more transport time than swimming time when going to Calinesia,” underlines the elected official. Without forgetting the importance of swimming skills. Associations in the sector, such as the Coutras triathlon club, will no longer need to come to Libourne. Just like the Coutras firefighters who will be able to resume swimming pool training.

Ultimately, this reopening of the north side of the Agglo will have an impact on the south side, with the opening of additional slots in Calinesia.



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