“What I call death before death…”: the dark words of Bernard Pivot three years before his death

“What I call death before death…”: the dark words of Bernard Pivot three years before his death
“What I call death before death…”: the dark words of Bernard Pivot three years before his death

It’s a page that is turning. This Monday, May 6, 2024, his daughter Cécile announced to AFP that her dear father, Bernard Pivot, had died at the age of 89. This journalist, presenter, and football enthusiast hosted, for many years, the famous show Apostrophes.

In 2021, he received our colleagues from Parisian for the promotion of his new book, But life goes on. “We were whispered that he was not in great shape. That he was discreetly fighting a serious illness”wrote the daily.

Bernard Pivot spoke of death

If Bernard Pivot felt tired, he always had these beautiful words to make life sweeter. “But I am not going to take advantage of your question to inflict on you all the little disturbances in my auditory, nervous, muscular systems, etc. I don’t want to inflict this list on you so as not to annoy you. “. Throughout the interview, the journalist spoke of his vision of death: “The longevity of men and women poses a certain problem to society. One of the things that scares me is less death than decrepitude, debacle. What I call death before death. »

Words that resonate differently today. “Many elderly people cry over their youth and their adulthood, whose memory rounds off the angles and awakens the colors. But we must not fall into this unfair nostalgia. All eras have their victories and their defeats, their constraints and their freedoms. The worst thing is to get stuck in your past. We must remain open, continue to be interested in current events. »

A life filled with culture and lots of humor

Still smiling, he spoke of his reading of the press: “Fatally!” Professional reflex. » And out of the question for him to mope about his fate: “I can’t imagine my last years without self-deprecation. When you’re old, you always have to have in your mind a little feeling of irony, of cheerfulness, of taking a step aside. »

And during the two confinements, Bernard Pivot had busy days: “Literary journalist, I read and write a lot at home. During the fifteen and a half years of Apostrophes, I was a voluntary confined person! »



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