Star Wars event raising money for RMH

Star Wars event raising money for RMH
Star Wars event raising money for RMH

May the Fourth traditionally marks Star Wars Day, and some London, Ont. area fanatics are expressing their love for the movie franchise.

The group Geeks and Company, known for its podcast The Geek Boutique, are hosting a free fundraising event at the London Brewing Cooperative Saturday from 3 pm until 11 pm, with proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald House Charities.

“They provide such an amazing service, my son’s autistic and we’ve had to use Ronald McDonald House in the past. Providing housing and basic needs for parents who have to travel, for their children who need to see specialists, they (Ronald McDonald House) are angels,” said one of the organizers Geoff MacDonald, with Greeks and Co.

All proceeds will go to the Ronald McDonald House through the Dads Club of London, Ont.

The event will have charity raffles and a host of other activities, all Star Wars related.

Those taking part can come dressed as their favorite Star Wars character.

The London Brewing Co-op even got in on the fun, producing a ceremonial light lemon lager for the occasion called ‘Twin Sons,’ with 50 cents from each beer sold going to benefit Ronald McDonald House Charities.

MacDonald said there’s something for everyone at the free event.



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