LIDL launches an urgent recall of this beloved vegetable for chemical contaminants

LIDL has decided to launch a major recall on a seasonal vegetable due to the presence of a chemical contaminant!

LIDL is a brand that makes unanimity among many consumers for several years now. And for good reason, it offers products at low prices. On the other hand, it finds itself at the heart of the news following a product recall.

LIDL: a brand loved by the French

The French have had to deal with rising prices for several years now. Indeed, inflation is hitting households hard and is clearly putting a strain on their budgets in recent times.

So much so that many people actually struggling to make ends meet. In fact, they no longer know how to get by every month. It must be said that prices have increased in all areas.

Fuel, real estate, food, energy… this increase in prices has had a real impact on the daily lives of consumers. This is why they have decided to favor brands that offer low prices.

And this is particularly the case for LIDL for example. Indeed, the brand practices very affordable prices and offers numerous discounts to the delight of the French. They can buy all the products of their choice without spending crazy amounts of money.

One thing is certain, it allows them to manage their budget every month. Especially since the German firm also does everything possible to offer food products from all over the world.

This vegetable urgently recalled

In the wide and varied LIDL catalog, it is possible to find food products that come from Italy, Greece, but also Asia. This allows consumers to have a varied diet.

On the other hand, there is one thing you should not skimp on. This concerns the purchase of fruits and vegetables. In fact, it is more than necessary to consume these foods to maintain good health on a daily basis.

They provide many benefits for our health. But sometimes, some can face contamination. And instead of providing benefits for our bodies, they pose a risk.

This is also what happened with a seasonal vegetable put on sale by LIDL. Indeed, the firm has launched a massive recall in regarding Peeled red beets of 500 grams and Freshona brand.

This product has the GTIN code 20024444 and has a minimum durability date of September 25, 2024. You can also find this famous information on the white insert present on the front of the vegetable package.

A product dangerous to health

Please note that this is a product recall that does not concern all beets sold in LIDL stores. Only those sold between April 8 and September 20, 2024 are subject to a product recall in France.

If this vegetable should not be eaten, it is for good reason. The authorities discovered that they contained a chemical contaminant known as perchlorates. It is a component found in soils as well as in irrigation water.

This is a contaminant that can have a very negative effect on your danger if consumed. And for good reason, it risks impacting the functioning of your thyroid.

Pregnant women and people with thyroid disorders should especially not consume this LIDL vegetable. If you have purchased this product, you are advised to return it to a German chain store.

This way, you will be able to benefit from a refund. There procedure will end on November 26, 2024. From this date, you will no longer be able to obtain a refund from the brand. So you shouldn’t delay too much.

Victoria Bernard

Graduated from a major journalism school and I also have a diploma in aperitif preparation. I love writing and especially for Tuxboard, the team is really great and the subjects are very varied even if I prefer to write about the media and also fashion trends!



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