Diependaele promises to work on “warm and prosperous Flanders”: “It is not a slogan, but a promise”

It was Monday afternoon for the new Flemish government leader the supreme moment. After being sworn in by the king and a first short meeting of his new team, the N-VA member was immediately allowed to work in the Flemish Parliament. His government declaration should result in a vote next Wednesday in which a majority places confidence in the coalition of N-VA, Vooruit and CD&V.

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A pact with the Flemish

In his speech, Diependaele expressed the synthesis made in the coalition agreement between the centre-right (N-VA and CD&V) and the centre-left (Vooruit). “Working together for a warm and prosperous Flanders” is the title of the coalition agreement that connects the strict and liberal economic policy of N-VA with the more social and warmer policy that CD&V and Vooruit are pushing for. In his statement, the Prime Minister emphasized that it is not just a slogan, but a promise to every Flemish person. According to him, it is a vision for Flanders and a pact with the Flemish. (Read more below the photo)

As Minister of Budget and Finance, Matthias Diependaele passes the torch to fellow party member Ben Weyts. — © BELGIUM

As is usually the case, the Prime Minister provided an overview of the spearheads of the three government parties. The focus on work, a persistent policy against the unemployed and the long-term ill, support for companies and attention to innovation and development and Flemish industry, a legally secure permit policy, certainty for farmers: these are all matters for a prosperous Flanders and where N-VA and CD&V harping on.

Good housekeeping

As a herald of a healthy budgetary policy, Diependaele also reflected on the balance in the budget that must be achieved in 2027. “A balanced budget is the guarantee to secure the future of our children and grandchildren. It concerns the Flemish’s money and shows good housekeeping. We must not only plan for sunny days, but also be prepared for storms.” This not only means lowering taxes such as inheritance tax and registration duties, but also reversing policies such as scrapping the job bonus or premiums for electric cars and making service vouchers more expensive. (Read more below the photo)

The new ministers were allowed to sit on the government benches for the first time in the Flemish Parliament on Monday afternoon. — © BELGIUM

Warm Flanders was also discussed in the government statement, with the surprise that the additional resources for Welfare will increase not by 1, but by 1.2 billion euros. There, the waiting lists in disability and youth care must be eliminated – at least in part. A historically high amount has also been provided for additional social housing. “Our government team will fight for everyone (…) We want to realize a prosperous and warm Flanders for all Flemish people. Flanders must be a place where everyone feels at home,” the Prime Minister stated.

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Better Dutch

Attention was also paid to climate, where the government is increasing its ambitions. But the efforts must be feasible and affordable, and will be weighed against the capacity of citizens and the competitiveness of companies. Agriculture and nature must be reconciled, it was said. (Read more below the photo)

Another changing of the guard, but then as Prime Minister. Jan Jambon (right) passes the torch to Matthias Diependaele.

Another changing of the guard, but then as Prime Minister. Jan Jambon (right) passes the torch to Matthias Diependaele. — © BELGIUM

The largest and most important Flemish competence, Education, was also the largest chapter in the government declaration. Diependaele also emphasized the need to know more and better Dutch. “A good knowledge of Dutch is the basis for success at school, for finding a job and the key to fully integrate into our society. Only by mastering our language can one enjoy the equal opportunities that Flanders offers.”

There is no limit to what Flanders can do

It was striking that during Diependaele’s speech there was not a single applause for a particular passage. Only when he thanked his predecessor Jan Jambon for the work done – “The Flemish enjoyed the work and we will continue his work” – there was a clapping of hands. Yet on some majority benches.

The Prime Minister concluded his speech with a call to trust in the strength of Flanders. “Because if we have that confidence, if we believe in what we can achieve together, then there is no limit to what Flanders can do. With this team we want to give opportunities and responsibility to as many citizens as possible.”

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