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Villefranche-de-Rouergue. Second more difficult day for the club

Villefranche-de-Rouergue. Second more difficult day for the club
Villefranche-de-Rouergue. Second more difficult day for the club

On Saturday, the -15 G received the neighbors of Figeac. Objective: to win as many thirds as possible. The first proved complicated for the Villefranchois who conceded a 3-point lead to their opponents. The readjustments made in the second third allowed the yellow and blues to win on a golden goal and start the third with great motivation. But fatigue was felt on both sides. The final score of 27-28 is in favor of the Lotois. There is still work to be done to move this group forward together.

At 7:00 p.m., it was the turn of the senior boys to enter the track against the neighbors of LSH (Levezou Ségala Handball). And from the beginning of the match, the visitors clearly showed their intentions by inflicting a 6 to 0 on the blue and yellows. But little by little the machine started up for the Villefranchois and allowed them to catch up with the score, to go into the break with a score of 17 to 19.

Back from the locker room, the two teams are playing on an equal footing, but unfortunately the last quarter of an hour is fatal for Villefranchois, who have a higher average age than their opponents and, above all, a smaller squad. Final score: 31 to 38. The team did their best and pleased the supporters who came to encourage them. Next meeting this Saturday evening against at home.



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