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Assimi Goïta declares a state of national disaster

Assimi Goïta declares a state of national disaster
Assimi Goïta declares a state of national disaster

Mali is currently experiencing a serious humanitarian crisis following recent floods which have devastated several regions since the start of the rainy season. These bad weather caused the death of 30 people and left more than 47,000 victims in extremely precarious living conditions. At an extraordinary meeting of the council of ministers last week, the Malian government proclaimed a state of national disaster, emphasizing the scale of the damage and the urgency of the situation.

In response to this disaster, the ruling military authorities implemented a series of emergency measures to help flood victims. One of the most significant decisions is the mobilization of a fund of 4 billion CFA francs. This amount will be used to: • Strengthen the national food security stock to meet the urgent needs of affected populations, • Provide immediate assistance to 7,077 affected households, including the distribution of food, relief materials and temporary accommodation solutions. , • Support reconstruction and rehousing efforts for families who have lost their homes.

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The government also announced that teams will be deployed to the most affected regions, notably Gao, Ségou, Bamako and Koutiala, in order to assess specific needs and ensure a rapid and appropriate response. However, despite the efforts made, the seriousness of the situation requires increased solidarity both nationally and internationally. NGOs, civil society actors and the international community are called upon to step up their aid to disaster victims. In addition to the immediate needs for food and shelter, those affected will also need psychological and medical support, particularly for children, the most vulnerable, exposed to diseases linked to stagnant water and lack of hygiene. .

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