In the Channel, something new in the Elie Darmon murder case

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Suspected of being the mastermind of the murder of Elie Darmon on July 19, 2018 in Agneaux (Manche), Charles Legentil was released from preventive detention in June 2024. Under judicial supervision, he continues to proclaim his innocence. The alleged murderer is deceased.

The body of Elie Darmon was found in his house in Agneaux (Manche) in July 2018. | MICHEL COUPARD, WEST-FRANCE

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  • The body of Elie Darmon was found in his house in Agneaux (Manche) in July 2018. | MICHEL COUPARD, WEST-FRANCE

“Now I’m defending myself and I’m not going to give up.” Charles Legentil, 62, incarcerated in prison from June 2023 to the end of June 2024 for complicity in murder, is today under judicial supervision and electronic bracelet in , at his son’s house.

Presented as the alleged instigator of a murder in Agneaux, near Saint-Lô, he had made a request for release which had however been refused, in April 2024, by the…



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