Interview with Sébastien Ogier: “It’s sad to see that people are trying to silence us”

Interview with Sébastien Ogier: “It’s sad to see that people are trying to silence us”
Interview with Sébastien Ogier: “It’s sad to see that people are trying to silence us”

You were in the spotlight at the Acropolis. Two weeks later, have you digested the course of this rally, which ended in 16th place?

It was indeed an intense week, but on the other hand, so much the better. I come to experience this kind of race. The result is not what I hoped for, but I digest it quite well. On our side, with Vincent (Landais his co-pilot. Ed.), we gave it our all and I don’t have many regrets. It’s impossible to blame ourselves. We couldn’t have done much better.

When you decided to space out your participations, wasn’t there a desire to avoid thinking about the championship… which you are once again obliged to do?

Not necessarily. The only reason I want to do intermittent seasons is a question of schedule. I don’t want to get as involved as before. As for the race itself, I’m still a competitor and I like this type of battle. That hasn’t changed. This year, the fact that we found ourselves in a position to play for the title, without it being an objective, allows me to be more relaxed than ever in my approach. I tell myself that it’s just a bonus. Even though I’ve competed less



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