What was said in the Saint-Etienne locker room after the debacle

What was said in the Saint-Etienne locker room after the debacle
What was said in the Saint-Etienne locker room after the debacle

Humiliated 8-0 in this Friday, the Stéphanois held a mini crisis meeting in the locker room of the Allianz Riviera to sound the alarm after a more than delicate start to the season.

A black Friday. After the debacle against Nice at the start of the 5th day of Ligue 1 (8-0), the entire ASSE management was present in the locker room. Coach Olivier Dall’Oglio, vice-president Huss Fahmy and sporting director Loïc Perrin each spoke.

“The feeling of shame, we are not proud of what we have produced, me first and foremost,” admitted the Saint-Etienne coach at a press conference. “We are together, we know that it will be complicated. We got through it, we forgot the basics. The first person responsible remains me, I thought we could repeat the feat against . Today, I understand the reaction of the supporters, I apologize to them. Today, we were not up to the task.”

>> Relive Nice-Saint-Etienne (8-0)

“A quick and brutal return to earth”

After this performance, there is shame on the Greens’ side. This painfully historic evening must serve as a lesson. It must be remembered. On the club’s side, this terrible feeling must never return. The group must question itself. A collective failure was even mentioned. “We know that the season will be difficult, we lack a lot of things”, continued Olivier Dall’Oglio, who evokes “a very quick and brutal return to earth” after the success against Lille last week.

Despite the difficult start to the season for ASSE, which is provisionally in 16th place in the play-offs, Loïc Perrin supported Olivier Dall’Oglio in front of the players at the end of the match. A work session is planned for tomorrow instead of a simple warm-up. “We will work on the match and find explanations. I will use this match for the future,” concluded the Verts’ coach, who will have to find the right words to remobilize a group that is in agony and already in great danger to avoid going down the ladder at the end of the season.



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