PJJ educators fear seeing young people “abandoned”

All mobilized to support the threatened staff of the Youth Judicial Protection (PJJ). Around fifty people gathered on Thursday, September 19, 2024, in front of the court, thus responding to the national call of the inter-union to protest against the announcement “non-renewal of 500 contract workers”.

Xavier Lacasa, juvenile judge, spoke in particular to show his support for PJJ professionals.
© (Photo NR, Jérôme Dutac)

As a reminder, the PJJ supports juvenile offenders (including the implementation of court decisions) or those in danger, with actions around integration, education and protection.

“In Loir-et-Cher, this represents four contract workers and a psychologist who would not be reappointed”deplore Monica and Gladys, educators at the Open Environment and Integration Territorial Educational Service (Stemoi) in Blois and part of the seven permanent staff working throughout the department. “This is the equivalent of 75 young people who will not be monitored. There will be a risk of reoffending for them. We are asking to recover the lost resources and more permanent staff to ensure this difficult mission.”

The forecourt of the Blois court made the voices of PJJ professionals heard on Thursday, September 19, 2024, supported by the magistrates and lawyers of the Blois court.
© Photo NR, Jérôme Dutac

Lawyers and magistrates present

“The elimination of posts contributes to the delay of legal measures and a deterioration in the care of young people. The permanent staff will not be able to absorb everything!”regretted, anonymously, a psychologist whose contract is threatened in the coming months.

They were supported by lawyers from the Blois bar and magistrates from the juvenile division, at the prosecution and at the court. “If they are not there, our decisions are meaningless. We need human resources to help the young person, so that he is monitored and we do not see him again in court.”explained Xavier Lacasa, juvenile judge.

Contacted by The New Republicthe Ministry of Justice “disputes the figure of 500 positions. Less than half of this estimate of contract positions were potentially affected.”

Many youth justice educators have testified to the dramatic consequences that these non-renewals of contracts would have.

Many youth justice educators have testified to the dramatic consequences that these non-renewals of contracts would have.
© (Photo NR, Jérôme Dutac)

In addition, a three million euro unfreeze was obtained in order, in particular, to “renew some of the contracts by prioritizing the situations of the agents in the most difficulty and to schedule the renewal of more than 230 contracts in the coming weeks”.



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