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School infrastructure: Pully releases 60 million for college

In Pully, the extension of the college escapes the referendum

The Municipal Council agreed to release 60 million to expand the complex. On the other hand, he refused to submit the project to a popular vote.

Published today at 4:25 p.m.

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“This is our largest infrastructure project of the legislature which is reaching the end of a long process,” rejoices Lucas Girardet, municipal official. The Pully Municipal Council accepted, by 54 yes, 12 no and 16 abstentions, to release a credit of 60 million francs for the extension of the Principal College. On the other hand, elected officials refused with 48 no, 30 yes and 2 abstentions to submit the project to citizens, via a spontaneous referendum. The project should be launched in October and be completed by the start of the 2027 school year. But Coop has appealed.

View of the project from avenue C.-F.-Ramuz. In the foreground: the administrative building, east side. In the background: the school building, west side.

The extension project includes the creation of a new building, the transformation of the Collège Pmain at avenue des Collèges 11, and the raising of the west annex, at avenue des Collèges 13. It provides for the creation of eleven classrooms, five special rooms, a double sports hall with stands for 500 people, a school library, premises dedicated to psychology, psychomotor skills and speech therapy in schools, offices of the management of the primary establishment and a tree-lined courtyard. Ultimately, 800 students will attend the establishment.

Coop’s appeal

The Jules-Loth and Pierre-d’Arvel colleges, which are part of the same perimeter, will be transformed in a second phase, in 2028, and will double the site’s existing extracurricular care offering. “This large-scale project will respond to the demographic development of the town of Pully by 2035-2040,” explains Lucas Girardet.

The new sports hall will be used for school activities and sports societies. It will mainly host the Pully Lausanne basketball club, Espérance Sportive Pully Basket, the Gym Pully and the Volleyball Club Pully.

As the work will take place on an active site, a practical communication will be sent to the various users, specifying the access arrangements. However, an appeal by Coop is still pending before the Court of Administrative and Public Law (CDAP). The company, which has a store next to the school, fears that its public parking lot will be widely used by students’ parents as a drop-off area during the work.

For logistical and safety reasons, Chemin du Préau and the sidewalk north of Avenue C. -F.-Ramuz will be closed to pedestrians for the duration of the construction site. They will have to bypass the construction site via Chemin de la Joliette or Avenue du Tirage, or take the sidewalk south of Avenue C.-F.-Ramuz. Public access to the swimming pool will remain possible.


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Claude Beda is a journalist for the 24-hour Vaudois section. Passionate about social issues and the lives of people here, he covered several regions of the canton, before joining the Lausanne editorial team. More info

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