Langon: the Pétrusse scarf house will represent in October at the Made in exhibition

Collective pride for the Petrusse houselarge house of stoles and scarves based in Langon. The company was selected to participate in the 4th edition of the large exhibition of Made in Francewhich will be held at the end of October at the Elysée. This is a annual event, which rewards companies and artisans who have placed emphasis on French manufacturing.

The Pétrusse scarf house, based in Langon, is one of the 122 selected, out of 2,200 applications submitted. work has paid off, for Florence Lafragette, President and artistic director: “It’s a joy, because 5 years ago, when I took over Pétrusse, there were less than 2% of collections made in , today, it’s more than 68%.“.

Some of the many scarves produced by Maison Pétrusse, inside the Château Mauriac, in Langon © Radio France
Arthur Fradin

5 years of “rock n’ roll” to relocate production

5 years have passed which have been “rock’n’roll”, according to her: “We have kept our best partners in some countries, in India in particular, some jacquards with a very complex combination of threads. We don’t know how to do that in France, so we are happy to keep it. We are happy to say that everything that can be done in France is done in France!

Linen harvested in France, silk from the regionFrance is in the spotlight everywhere, including in artistic creations, such as the Grand Palais scarfa bestseller, which will be in at the end of October. Laetitia, in charge of logistics and shipping, is one of the 20 employees of Maison Pétrusse. She mentions “personal and collective pride, the achievement of seeing that work pays off, by being present at the Elysée!

Florence Lagrafette, artistic director of Maison Pétrusse,
Florence Lagrafette, artistic director of Maison Pétrusse, “never without a scarf on her head or neck”
Petrusse House

Maison Pétrusse opens its doors for Heritage Days on October 25 and 26

Thanks to its investment in Made in France, Maison Pétrusse will be represented at the Elysée at the major eponymous exhibition on October 25 and 26. Maison Pétrusse, which opens its doors to the general public, inside the Mauriac castle, in Langon, on heritage days on September 21 and 22. Chateau Mauriac, “headquarters of the Mauriac family activities where François wrote Génitrix. These stones inspired a Nobel Prize winner for literature, a great journalist, a great witness of his time. It is our turn to perpetuate this tradition, to continue to write beautiful stories with our scarves“, explains Florence Lafragette.



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