Sunshine almost everywhere this Wednesday, 25°C in and the north of

Sunshine almost everywhere this Wednesday, 25°C in and the north of
Sunshine almost everywhere this Wednesday, 25°C in Paris and the north of France

Temperatures are rising again this Wednesday, and it’s not over yet. Far from the very cool temperatures for the season recorded last week, it’s a day of midsummer that awaits the north of , according to the forecasts of Météo France.

It should thus be up to 25°C in the north of France, or even locally a little more. This afternoon map gives an idea of ​​the general situation in the country. The sun almost generalized all day long will increase the feeling of a little more than 5°C. For a temperature of 25°C in the shade, that felt in the sun will thus be around 30°C, or even a little more. Corsica and the regions of the South-East will be the only ones not affected by this situation due to a depression.

/Weather France

The maximum temperatures will generally be between twenty degrees and 23°C-24°C in the north of the country. These are levels 2°C to 3°C higher than seasonal norms. However, locally, the thermometer will climb a little more, reaching the 25°C mark, the heat threshold. This level corresponds to what is expected in the middle of summer, in July and August, while the calendar autumn begins on Sunday.

27°C in

should reach 25°C around 4pm. The entire Île-de-France region will be very close to this temperature. In Hauts-de-France, it will be the hottest in Aisne. 25°C will be regularly reached there. It is in the Soissons area that it should rise the most. It could be up to 27°C there, or between 6°C and 7° more than the September average, one or two degrees more than in the middle of August. In the region, it is in the department area that it could be the hottest. The heat threshold should be reached in the area around Épernay.

Maximum temperatures will be of the same order in the south of the country, but on average a little lower. Ranging from 20°C to 24°C, they will often cross the mild threshold set at 20°C. But they will remain barely seasonal, or even lower by 2°C-3°C. The massive presence of the sun will allow the perceived temperature to exceed 25°C.

On Thursday, temperatures could rise a little more in the northern half of the country. The sun will also reach the southeast. In the south of the country, the thermometer will often rise several degrees compared to this Wednesday.



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