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A day of sport in the heart of the village

A day of sport in the heart of the village
A day of sport in the heart of the village

Pougues-les-Eaux. A whole day of sport in the heart of the village. On Saturday, the Sport in the Heart of the Villages day, organized by Ufolep, in the dynamic of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and as part of the promotion of physical and sporting activity (major national cause 2024), saw sixty-one participants pass through over the course of the day.

New and original sports

Amandine Barré, Ufolep delegate, welcomed them to the Chanternes sports complex, directing them to this or that activity according to their desires. Various new and original sports were to be discovered (disc golf, wex foot, speedmilton, panna foot, slackline, spike ball, etc.). Some tried it out with their families.

This day was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the City of Pougues and the support of local associations: AFGP 58 Football, ASPC Rugby, Tennis Club, APBB basketball club, maintenance gymnastics, Multimarche 58.



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