Medieval Day a complete success

Medieval Day a complete success
Medieval Day a complete success

The town of Valflaunès invited the public to the Grand Pic Saint-Loup Medieval Festival on Sunday, September 15. A day immersed in time, discovering the life and customs of yesteryear. And the least we can say is that it was a total success.

For this new edition (postponed until the start of the school year due to poor weather conditions in May), the Medieval Festival of Pic Saint-Loup brought the medieval past back to life by offering numerous activities. Thus, the heart of the village took on the appearance of a medieval city with its craft shops, knights’ camps, stone cutting, illumination, herbalism, calligraphy and wooden games for children.

In terms of space and reception, the town has done well: thousands of visitors have come one after the other, also around workshops for all, musical and comedy shows, strolls by troubadours and breathtaking demonstrations, which have found a place of choice between Pic Saint-Loup and Hortus.

At the time of the speeches, Alain Barbe, president of the CCGPSL, surrounded by Gérard Fabre, the mayor of Valflaunès, his municipal council and many elected officials, were delighted to see this event take off considerably. Everyone praised the CCGPSL team for a flawless organization that will have left its mark.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 89 57 26 70



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