work must resume, management could present alternative projects

work must resume, management could present alternative projects
work must resume, management could present alternative projects

A third works council will take place this Tuesday morning at Audi Brussels. The management could present or clarify alternative projects for the plant.

Work is to resume gradually and on a voluntary basis this Tuesday morning at Audi Brussels. At the same time, a 3rd extraordinary works council (CE) will take place in the morning, where management could present or clarify alternative projects for the Forest plant.

The day after the demonstration in Brussels in support of Audi Brussels workers, this meeting, organised as part of phase 1 of the Renault law on collective redundancies, is scheduled from 10:00 to 13:00. The unions will have the opportunity to ask questions and hope for answers of management, particularly on alternative tracks for the site. “We know that there are leads for three investors or buyers. And we still don’t have any concrete information on an Asian company and its level of interest,” prefaces Pascal Debrulle, FGTB delegate. On the side of Ludovic Pineur, the permanent secretary of the CNE Industrie, we are waiting for ” concrete alternativescredible and realistic”.

Resumption of production

This Tuesday also marked the gradual resumption, from 6:00 a.m., and on a voluntary basis, of work within the factory, which has been at a standstill since July 9 and the announcement of the restructuring. Everything is going as plannedsaid spokesman Peter D’hoore. There were enough staff present to carry out the start-up as planned.”
The start is done in stages. sheet metal and painting workshops will be the first to get going again, which represents around 300 people per team, according to Pascal Delbrulle. The socialist trade unionist does not have figures on the number of workers willing to return to work but expects that these two workshops will be able to restart production.

This Wednesday, the assembly, battery production and final assembly workshops will follow. This represents the bulk of the company, according to Pascal Delbrulle. This recovery will however also depend on the supply of parts by Audi Brussels subcontractors, about which the unions have no feedback, the factory management referring them to the management of these subcontractors.



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