Death of Father Alexandre Blaudeau

Death of Father Alexandre Blaudeau
Death of Father Alexandre Blaudeau

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the sudden death of Father Alexandre Blaudeau this Monday, September 16, at the age of 31. The funeral will take place on Friday, September 20 at 10:30 a.m. at the Saint-Vincent church in Nay.

A mass will be held at the Saint-Hilaire church in Blanzay at 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 21, followed by burial at the Blanzay cemetery.

Born on May 26, 1993 in , Alexandre Blaudeau was ordained a priest on June 26, 2021 at the Sainte-Marie Cathedral in by Bishop Marc Aillet. He was a cooperating priest (vicar) of the parishes of Piétat-L’Arribère – Nay, Notre-Dame du Piémont – Asson, Saint-Michel-Garicoïts du Lagoin – Coarraze (until May 2023) and Sainte-Marie de Batbielle – Bordes.

He was also a religious advisor to the Guides section of the Scouts and Guides of Europe movement.

Let us entrust him to the Lord in our prayers.

Bishop’s statement

Here is an excerpt from the documentary “Our Lives Offered” by Marc Jeanson, where Alexandre Blaudeau gave his testimony as a seminarian in the diocese of Bayonne.



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