The 2024 Alexandra Leyris Literary Prize: a great success

For its third edition, the Literary Prize of the George Gershwin Lodge of B’nai B’rith in memory of Alexandra Leyris was a great success. The salon of the town hall of the 9th arrondissement of where the event took place welcomed 150 guests.

Speech by Gilles Fiszenson representing Delphine Burkli, mayor of the 9thth. In the first row, from left to right: Caroline Bongrand, Haïm Musicant, Marek Halter, Jean-Pierre Allali and Frédéric Zeitoun

Among them was the presence of Grand Rabbi Moshe Lewin.

Patricia Waserman, president of the lodge, and Jean-Pierre Allali, creator of the prize and president of the jury, presented their diplomas to the two winners.

The 2023-2024 prize was awarded to Caroline Bongrand for her novel “Les Présences” (Éditions Denoël) which, through the story of a young autistic boy, traces the destiny of the Jewish community of Salonika, the “Jerusalem of the Balkans”.

The special prize was awarded to Marek Halter for his entire body of work.

Jean-Loup Othenin-Girard presents his portrait to Marek Halter in the presence of Patricia Waserman

Caroline Bongrand and Marek Halter discussed their personal journeys in their speeches before receiving their portraits painted by the painter Jean-Loup Othenin-Girard.

The Mazele trio took over, performing nostalgic Yiddish folk tunes, sung in chorus by an enthusiastic audience before a book signing session.

Previous winners Philippe Amar, Thierry Cohen and Frédéric Zeitoun were present. A great success.



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