the “made in ” tricolor flags of the town halls manufactured… in Poland

the “made in ” tricolor flags of the town halls manufactured… in Poland
the “made in France” tricolor flags of the town halls manufactured… in Poland

Although sold as “made in ”, the French flags which adorn the fronts of ministries, town halls and local authorities are in fact made in Poland.

The “made in France” of French flags on the pediments of ministries and local authorities is not quite French. The French flags manufactured by a company in Drôme and supplied to the State are not quite French. In fact, they are partly manufactured in Poland despite the application of the “made in France” mention.

Information confirmed by the production director of Unic, the company that supplies the State. “The polyester fiber comes, unfortunately, from abroad, because it is no longer produced in France, but the production of the flags is entirely carried out in the Drôme”, acknowledges in the columns of the PointJean-Louis Gonnin, the production director of the Unic factory.

“They take us for fools, they sell us flags that are supposedly made in France but are made in Poland and bought by the French state which never stops promoting ‘made in France'”, laments this Tuesday, on the set of Big Mouths, Olivier Truchot.

“It’s almost a state lie,” adds doctor Jérôme Marty. “The prefectures, town halls and regional councils buy these flags because the entire sector is French-French, but we finally learn that it’s not. It’s the label that is ‘made in France’ in the end. Symbolically it’s misleading,” he adds on RMC and RMC Story.

French flags at the Élysée Palace made… in Poland – 09/17

“Public procurement is less virtuous than the consumer”

“We are being sold reindustrialization and we realize that the State is not setting a good example. Public procurement is less virtuous than the French consumer,” rages Gilles Attaf, president of the “Origine France garantie” certification. “The problem with ‘made in France’ is that it is the European customs code that governs it and that a substantial operation on the product in France can be enough to guarantee it as ‘made in France’,” he continues.

However, there is a need to reindustrialize, assures Gilles Attaf: “Producing in France must be a societal choice and a national cause. If we want to regain territorial and social cohesion, it is through industry. It is a place where the social elevator works, it is important to reproduce it.”

Only 38% of manufactured products are produced in France today, compared to 82% in 1965.

Guillaume Dussourt BFMTV-RMC journalist



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