We love her in the mind-blowing series “My Little Reindeer” on Netflix: why did trans actress Nava Mau make history yesterday?

We love her in the mind-blowing series “My Little Reindeer” on Netflix: why did trans actress Nava Mau make history yesterday?
We love her in the mind-blowing series “My Little Reindeer” on Netflix: why did trans actress Nava Mau make history yesterday?

My little reindeerit’s the most mind-blowing miniseries we’ve seen on Netflix recently. Especially when you know that this fiction is inspired by a true story, and that it is written, and embodied, by the person who lived it. It’s the story of a guy, a stand-up comedian, in the midst of post-breakup syndrome, who will find through a stranger the brief answer to his deep loneliness and his ego in need of flattery. Before he discovers that his interlocutor – who will baptize him “My little reindeer” by text message – is a real stalker. A meeting at the MiseryStephen King’s masterpiece.

During his journey, rich in terrible discoveries and traumatic revelations, but also in nuance (he is not completely white either, spoiler), our anti-hero will meet the love of his life: Teri. A trans woman he loves deeply. But whom he will disappoint. To whom he will lie, and hurt… In this role, a revelation: Nava Mau, a Mexican actress of formidable authenticity. Impossible to forget her. She leaves a mark on the retina.

But until now, Nava Mau was an excellent actress, she is now a historical figure.

By being nominated for last night’s Emmy Awards, the iconic TV awards ceremony that honors the greatest (like Jodie Foster), Nava Mau effectively makes history as the first transgender woman nominated for best supporting actress in a limited series.

Already a triumph in itself.

Which has not escaped the fans… But also those who think that anti-trans hatred, people who are so discriminated against and stigmatized, is a militant fight in its own right that should be waged – yes, some people think this very strongly. It was to be expected, unfortunately…

Nava Mau, a formidable revelation that marks the history of trans stars on screen

Anyone who has seen My little reindeer did not escape the presence of Nava Mau.

In the role of the ultimate “crush” of our protagonist, therapist and collateral victim of his stalker, but also of this man who does not want to assume his feelings, coward and liar, Nava Mau redoubles her charisma. We note at the same time her charm, irresistible for the main character, the feeling of betrayal that she will experience, the love that she feels however…

Her trans identity is addressed in this miniseries, because Teri is even the victim of a form of transphobia from the protagonist, who initially fears kissing her on public transport, in full view of everyone. But nevertheless, she is a character who exists in her own right, in all her complexity, without the series necessarily making a strong speech about it, reducing her to her identity.

This is a historic nomination! It’s great to see more diverse representation in the awards“, commented one fan on social media upon learning of this Emmy spotlight. In unison, other spectators reacted, just as enthusiastic, to the idea of ​​this Emmy nomination: “Fantastic. She was amazing,” “She was really good at it!“.

But as you can imagine, among the reactions, we did not only find kindness.And so, a real woman cannot be nominated. Progress!”, “Why does a man pretend to be a woman and find himself nominated for a women’s award?”, “A man who takes advantage of a chance given to a woman, so progressive“, we could also read… Deplorable.

An opportunity to remind people that transgender women are women – with all due respect to JK Rowling. And that transphobia is not an opinion. A twist worthy of a Netflix series: hate is not an opinion, and even less so activism.

And these words from the actress herself, delighted with this nomination: “When trans people are given a chance, they go above and beyond. Being on this show has been an extraordinary experience at every moment. It has transformed me, and changed my vision of what is possible. Being recognized by my peers at the Academy is a reward for that transformation.n”.



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