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Grocery store employee robbed of thousands of euros in after buying El Mordjene spread

Grocery store employee robbed of thousands of euros in after buying El Mordjene spread
Grocery store employee robbed of thousands of euros in Marseille after buying El Mordjene spread

A grocery store employee was attacked on Friday evening in a housing estate in the 11th arrondissement of where he had come to order a stock of spread.


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While the shortage of El Mordjene spread has been heating up tempers on social networks for several days, an unusual attack occurred in Marseille. On Friday evening, around 11 p.m., a grocery store employee went to a housing project in the Valbarelle district (11th arrondissement) to take delivery of a stock of spread under the counter, a police Source told France 3 Provence-Alpes on Monday, September 16, confirming information from La Provence, which claims that it is indeed the famous Algerian spread.

After responding to a tempting ad to restock on spread, the Marseille shopkeeper sent his 27-year-old assistant to the scene with nearly 6,000 euros in cash to pay for the purchase. But when he arrived on the scene, the latter fell into a real ambush. A first man was waiting for him at the meeting point and led him into a building. In the lobby, another individual was waiting for him, he threatened him with his handgun to rob him.

The victim was released empty-handed, but fortunately without being injured, the police Source added. An investigation has been opened and entrusted to the DCT.

Since last summer, the El Mordjene spread launched on the market in 2021 has become a real phenomenon. Videos of Algerian influencers have gone viral on the networks.

Sold only in a few grocery stores or discount stores, particularly in Marseille, the dough was taken by storm, quickly becoming a victim of its success. The export of the flagship product of the Algerian manufacturer Cebon was banned on September 13, within the European Union and therefore in France.

The president of the Algerian Association for Consumer Protection (Apoce), Mustapha Zebdi, informed the Algerian media TSA that “The last shipment of El Mordjene paste was not allowed to be unloaded in Europe“The decision to stop the import of Algerian spread is based on Article 20, third paragraph, of Regulation No. 2202/2292 of the European Union, he said: “Algeria is not on the list of countries that can [envoyer] to Europe products containing milk. However, El Mordjene contains milk powder.

According to BFMTV, theContainers of pots are currently immobilized by customs in the port of Marseille. Since then, El Mordjene paste is out of stock almost everywhere, the manufacturer even indicates on his site receive many emails and promises to process requests as soon as possible.



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