Trump’s persuasiveness against Biden’s aging symptoms

Trump’s persuasiveness against Biden’s aging symptoms
Trump’s persuasiveness against Biden’s aging symptoms

After the televised debate, there is a clear winner: Donald Trump. How is it possible that a man who distorts the facts is more likely to hold the highest office in the world than a man who is admittedly very old?

One is in control, the other is slowly losing control: Donald Trump and Joe Biden in a televised debate.

Ross D. Franklin / AP

After the TV debate on the American presidential election, the media eagerly set about fact-checking Donald Trump’s statements. This is free, because you can guess what the outcome will be.

The US deficit has never been as large as it is today, said Trump. False. The last election was “stolen”. False. Joe Biden had “millions of people come here from prisons and mental institutions”. False.

But the impudence entertains, it amuses, maybe even outrages a little. One thing is clear: the convicted Trump is not considered unelectable because of this. People have come to terms with the fact that the new old president of the USA could be a man for whom the truth is elastic. Trump emerges from the TV debate with Joe Biden as the clear winner.

This is shown by the comments of media and analysts. Even those that are close to the Democrats, such as the New York Times or CNN, admit that he performed better. This is also confirmed by the poll results. A clear majority of those surveyed thought that Trump had handled the joint appearance more confidently. Before the debate, 37 percent thought Biden was more competent, but afterward that number was 31 percent. Trump increased his ratings.

People would rather have an imposter than an old man like Joe Biden. They would rather have a lying president than a president who stumbles over his words and gets lost in his sentences. Who makes a mess of numbers and confuses millionaires with billionaires after just ten minutes.

People watch the debate in a bar in Cincinnati.

Carolyn Kaster/AP

Symbol of absence

During his appearance on Thursday night, Biden confirmed the impression that he was no longer mentally fit. Absent. The fact that he often looked at Trump with his mouth half open did not make things any better. He was not expressing his astonishment at his opponent. Rather, he seemed to have forgotten to close his mouth.

Still, the question remains why even left-wing voters and media rated Trump’s performance as stronger. Why is a liar more convincing than a senile person?

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote weeks ago that Biden was the elephant in the room (“except that elephants never forget”). The Democrats did not dare to talk about Biden’s health, said Dowd. During the TV debate, the elephant was no longer overlooked with all the cameras pointed at him.

There was no Jill Biden to take her husband’s hand at the right moment or whisper a word to him. An audience of millions watched as the signs of physical and mental decay slowly took their toll on a person. As harsh as it sounds, the man who holds the most important office in the world is on the way to losing control of his life.

The impostor has it under control

Donald Trump, on the other hand, who bends the truth to suit his own needs, is in full control. At least he pretends to be. He appears self-confident, with no signs of insecurity or mental stumbling. He shapes reality as he sees fit. A man who leads the way so determinedly is one who, if necessary, will follow reluctantly.

When Trump gets caught up in contradictions, one suspects that there is always some calculation behind it. Manipulative moves require cleverness. Perhaps Trump himself believes what he says. If, on the other hand, he is aware that he is exaggerating, all the better. Then one can at least hope that Trump knows the truth and can be brought to his senses.

When Joe Biden gets tangled up in his statements, there is no intention behind it. It happens involuntarily, and that is his tragedy. A man with so much power who is no longer in control of his mental faculties makes us fear more than the powerful man who draws strength from his own greatness. The liar stands firm in life. The senile disappears from it. How can someone like that govern a country?



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