Mathieu Kassovitz wants to “try the RN”? What the actor really said on LCI

Mathieu Kassovitz wants to “try the RN”? What the actor really said on LCI
Mathieu Kassovitz wants to “try the RN”? What the actor really said on LCI
Capture LCI Mathieu Kassovitz on the LCI set Saturday June 22

Capture LCI

Mathieu Kassovitz on the LCI set Saturday June 22

POLITICS – Thirty-seven seconds, a cut excerpt and the whole world is going crazy. This Saturday, June 22 in the evening, on the social network an extract from an interview given by actor Mathieu Kassovitz to LCI and to Swiss journalist Darius Rochebin.

We see the actor, also known for his civic engagement, speaking about the political situation in France, in the wake of a risky dissolution for Emmanuel Macron since it places the far right at the gates of power. In this sequence, the actor says precisely this: “ I have always been waiting a little for the arrival of the FN (National Front, the former name of the RN, editor’s note) to power, to see what the real reaction of the French is. Are we really the country of human rights or have we become something else? It’s also interesting, because maybe we have become something else, and we have to accept that too. »


And Mathieu Kassovitz continues: “ Maybe the FN has its place in France, and maybe they will do a better job, and maybe it’s an experiment to try. I think we’ll never know who we are if we haven’t been through this stage. » Quickly, the words of the director of Hate were perceived as a blank check granted to the Lepenist party. Whether among the supporters of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, as on the left, where the person concerned is accused of treason. Illustration with this tweet published by socialist senator Rachid Temal, who accuses the actor of having “ turned jacket ».

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However, when we listen to the entire extract, it is difficult to make Mathieu Kassovitz a new convert to Lepenism. Indeed, in the minutes preceding the sequence which circulated on fachos » who the representatives of the RN are in his eyes. Asked about his desire to demonstrate in the event of a victory for Jordan Bardella’s party, Mathieu Kassovitz lets out a nervous laugh, explaining that, in his opinion, it would lead to nothing. Because that would not go far enough compared to what he considers necessary to counter the far right. “ I’m not really into protesting. I’m for… I’m going to get into trouble… I’m for revolution, violence in the face of violence », Details the actor, before expressing himself on the scenario of the RN coming to power.

Certainly, Mathieu Kassovitz displays a form of fatalism, even despondency in the face of the situation, and his speech (cut on purpose) acts like the fall of an additional dike by nourishing the camp against which he is opposed. This is evidenced by the greed with which the media have recently passed into the fold of the extreme right, such as The JDDdivert his quote to transcribe it as follows: “ Maybe the FN will do a better job. Maybe it’s an experiment to try “. Although that’s not really what he said. Nor even the idea he developed. As we hear in Hate : the important thing is not the fall, it’s the landing.

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