The RN “is perhaps an experience to try”, quips Mathieu Kassovitz

The RN “is perhaps an experience to try”, quips Mathieu Kassovitz
The RN “is perhaps an experience to try”, quips Mathieu Kassovitz

On LCI, the actor affirmed that he would not demonstrate in the event of a victory for the National Rally in the legislative elections. “It’s the same circus all the time (…) I am for violence in the face of violence,” he declared.

Asked about the probable victory of the National Rally in the legislative elections, actor Mathieu Kassovitz declared, speaking to LCI, that he had “tired of protesting”. “It’s the same circus all the time. There is an action, a reaction. Show me I’m not really for it. I’m going to get into trouble but… I’m for violence in the face of violence”he continued in a calm tone.

The director also claimed to have always “been a little waiting for the arrival of the FN” in order to observe what would be “the real reaction of the French”. “Are we really the country of human rights or have we become something else?”, he asked. Before getting ironic: “Maybe the FN has its place in France, maybe they will do a better job, in any case it is perhaps an experiment to try (…) We will never really know who we are if we haven’t gone through that stage.”

«So let it be Jordella (sic), The pen or someone else, I think that at one point we will switch“, finally decided Mathieu Kassovitz by attacking the name of the president of the RN, Jordan Bardella, who came well ahead in the European elections.



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