what solutions to reduce the bill?

what solutions to reduce the bill?
what solutions to reduce the bill?

Why a new increase in gas prices?

One of the main reasons for the increase in gas prices is the application of the new tariffs for natural gas distribution networks (ATRD 7). The CRE explains that this modification represents 55% of the increase. Indeed, the costs associated with transporting gas to end consumers have increased, which has a direct impact on household bills. These costs include the maintenance and improvement of infrastructure necessary to ensure efficient gas distribution. Another major reason is the increase in natural gas prices in wholesale markets in recent weeks. This represents 37% of the increase in retail rates.

Geopolitical tensions, fluctuations in global demand and variations in supply are all factors that influence wholesale prices. As a result, energy suppliers pass these costs on to consumers. Finally, the slight increase in the CEE component (Energy Savings Certificates) between July 2023 and July 2024 accounts for 6% of the total increase.. CEEs are certificates given by public authorities in return for carrying out energy saving work. The increase in this component reflects continued efforts to promote energy efficiency, although this translates into slightly higher costs for consumers.

Ways to avoid your bills exploding

It is possible to reduce the impact of this increase by comparing offers from different gas suppliers. The Energy Mediator has established a benchmark price for gas, currently set at 1,537 euros for an average consumption of 14 megawatt hours. This benchmark price serves as a reference to assess whether suppliers’ offers are competitive. For example, suppliers like OHM Énergie, Total Énergie and Happ-e offer prices lower than this benchmark price, even after the 11.7% increase. Subscribing to a fixed price offer can also help you avoid rising gas prices. With a fixed price contract, the gas price remains unchanged for the duration of the contract, whether it is one, two or three years.

This ensures cost stability, regardless of market fluctuations. However, it is crucial to read the terms of these contracts carefully. Some providers only guarantee a fixed price for the cost per kilowatt hour, which means that the subscription price can still increase. In addition, changes may be reflected if taxes or other contributions increase. To benefit from these opportunities, it is essential to act quickly. Consumers still have a few days to subscribe to advantageous offers before the price increase comes into force on July 1. By taking proactive measures, households can avoid the full impact of this increase and protect their budgets.



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