Luigi Kröner follows in the footsteps of his mother, Elsa Lunghini, by joining the cast of the soap opera Here it all begins. The actor confided in Gala about growing up alongside a famous mother and their current relationship.
A close relationship. Luigi Kröner, the son of Elsa Lunghini and Peter Kröner, joins the cast of the series Here it all begins this Thursday, January 23. The actor grew up surrounded by his famous actress mother and his father, a famous German singer, who separated five years after his birth. He confided with an open heart to Gala about his childhood as “the son of”.“I especially knew the success of my mother”he shares with us, and continues: “I was told a lot about my mother’s popularity. We see it in the eyes of the friends' parents, that they are very interested in this. I don't have clear memories of it, but I know that people talked to me about it a lot. It was more my mother's fame that interested me than me in the end, obviously, it affects me. »
The actor reveals to us that it is partly because of what he experienced during his childhood that he decided to take up combat sports, an activity far removed from those of his parents. If these events had an impact on him, Luigi Kröner affirms that his mother, Elsa Lunghini, always did everything possible to protect him from the media. “I know that my mother was very careful to make sure my life was as normal as possible, she also made sure not to expose me. I know it was a request when I was a baby, but she always refused. I thank her today because I don’t think it’s very healthy when you’re young”he admits to us. The actor has always been able to count on the support of his parents, which explains their close bond today. “We’re super close!” My mother had me very young (21 years old), so we understand each other. We talk to each other a lot. I am very happy to have this bond with my parents today”he concludes.
-PHOTOS – Here it all begins: zoom on the sentimental life of the cast of the series
Luigi Kröner (Here it all begins): how did he get started in comedy?
Luigi Kröner met his agent Sophie Lemaître when he was 25, which completely changed his life. “It was she who saw something in me and asked me to join her agency,” he assures us. He thus began the castings, without much conviction. The actor still landed his first roles in television series. “It was something a little vague that I didn’t really believe in”he continues. He finally became passionate about this work at the end of confinement when he played a nurse in an advertisement for the Intermarché store. “Something happened… I managed to reconnect with things that lived inside me. It was great! “, he remembers. The actor subsequently continued with roles in Commissioner Magellan, Captain Marleau, Research section, Candice Renoiror even The New Look.