Will the left censor the government of François Bayrou in the wake of its general policy declaration? The suspense is at its height as discussions continued all day, Monday January 13, between the government, the Socialist Party (PS), the French Communist Party and Les Ecologistes. In the home stretch, the socialists made a final proposal to François Bayrou on pensions, as revealed by the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, Tuesday morning on BFM-TV.
If he did not specify its content, he showed confidence for the future. “I think we can conclude, but I’m waiting for the finish line to be crossed”he said at the microphone of Apolline de Malherbe, ensuring that the PS was “securing a number of remarkable concessions” and he was looking for an agreement “which mixes political parties and unions”. If the government accepted the socialist proposal, the PS would then undertake not to censor it either on the budget or on the Social Security financing bill. “Everyone needs an agreement”François Bayrou like the PS, we are moving forward on the side of Matignon, after so many days of negotiations.
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