Tech billionaire Elon Musk reverted to his original name on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Thursday. This change came just days after the Tesla CEO had altered his name from “Elon Musk” to “Kekius Maximus” on Tuesday. He also restored his previous profile picture, having earlier replaced it with the popular “Pepe the Frog” meme. The changes followed the Tesla Cybertruck explosion in front of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas on Wednesday. Known for his unpredictable behaviour and online presence, the SpaceX founder's name change on Tuesday had sparked intrigue among his followers and the cryptocurrency community.
Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas
A Tesla Cybertruck rented through car-sharing platform Turo erupted into flames outside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas on Wednesday, killing one person and injuring seven others. Authorities are treating the incident as a possible act of terrorism.
Who is Kekius Maximus in crypto?
Kekius Maximus (KEKIUS) is a new meme coin that has recently emerged in cryptocurrency and has been trending since Musk changed his display name and picture to the icon, leading to the coin soaring over 900% within hours.
FranceCybertruck explosion in Las Vegas
A Tesla Cybertruck rented through car-sharing platform Turo erupted into flames outside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas on Wednesday, killing one person and injuring seven others. Authorities are treating the incident as a possible act of terrorism.
A viral video showed the Cybertruck engulfed in flames moments after stopping in front of the hotel’s entrance. Forensic teams found firework mortars and camp fuel canisters packed into the truck’s trunk bed, raising suspicions of foul play. Las Vegas police revealed that the vehicle was rented in Colorado.
Who is Kekius Maximus in crypto?
Discover the stories of your interest
Kekius Maximus (KEKIUS) is a new meme coin that has recently emerged in cryptocurrency and has been trending since Musk changed his display name and picture to the icon, leading to the coin soaring over 900% within hours.