If the year 2025 could make a nation, like the Olympic and Paralympic Games, where the Liberation ceremonies, made a nation, that would be very good.
Some remember it, the youngest don't… 25 years ago, we celebrated the transition to the year 2000. A passage full of hope for many, when others promised us the worst with it, remember you, a computer disaster… which did not happen… Which in passing will have enabled a few specialized companies to bring in cash.
We are therefore entering the quarter year of the 21st century. With hopes, certainties, but also concerns and questions.
Among the hopes, we wish you the best for you and those you love. And first of all we think of those who suffer, who find life too difficult, who hope without really believing in better days. Our thoughts go out to those who are in mourning, who have just lost a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a child… Or who are waiting for bad news, because that is how it is. how the scale of life is ordered, with its joys and its pains.
In a world where peace is disrupted, undermined, shattered… In a world where ambassadors of equality forget – one wonders why – the daily decline in women's rights in Afghanistan, preferring to evoke the number of places reserved for women in this or that service, but never proposing parity in the most difficult services, such as, this is just one example, the collection of household waste, we say to ourselves that rather than wanting to pit our fellow citizens against each other, it would be welcome if we collectively pressed “pause” in the race for demands which sometimes become irrational, disconnected from reality.
Already to look and prefer the positive rather than the negative. History of finding small happiness and small pleasures, rather than always wanting more.
Even if this is not always possible, because the news is sometimes cruel, our media, your media, www.creusoinfos.com www.autun-infos.com and www.infos-dijon.com yes like to highlight the most positive news. Whether on an industrial, economic, associative, sporting, cultural and… political level… We do not deliberately place politics last, but this year 2024 has seen too many more or less successful attempts to shatter our nation, so that we dwell on it more than that.
We preferred, by a very long way, the formidable breathing sequence of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, to the insults and invectives that burst forth in parliament or on so-called social networks, where hatred is rampant. To the point that more and more of our fellow citizens are fleeing them.
Incidentally, we laugh a little when we hear some people announcing and hoping for a dissolution of the National Assembly on July 7 or in the following days. Because that would mean that legislative elections would take place at the end of July / beginning of August, while all political leaders – at least those who really are – know that at the earliest, a first round could decently take place on Sunday 7 september. Unless you accept a truncated campaign.
If we write this, it is because we must avoid taking the word of those who run to the radio studios and television sets, most often repeating the same things, over the days and weeks, coloring their speeches a little, with a few nuances.
This world is not the one we like. Without obscuring what is going wrong, or the dramas of life or social issues, we prefer to talk about the companies that invest and hire, the industrial and economic successes, the great vitality of our university which, despite the difficulties, gives itself the means to shine. We prefer sporting success to desolation in sport.
Yes, we want to remain optimistic, because it is not by lamenting that we move things forward. Athletes, on the pitches and courts demonstrate it… Employees, in design offices or in workshops demonstrate it… Public service agents who work for the best of our fellow citizens demonstrate it… Our traders who strive to maintain links with their customers rather than leaving them at the mercy of web giants, demonstrate this.
Let us all be inspired by their tremendous desire, so that 2025 will be better than 2024, even if some want to entrench us in pessimism. Please accept all our best wishes for this new year.