A special prayer has been entrusted by the Vatican to the faithful throughout the world to accompany them throughout the Holy Year 2025. Here is the official translation in French proposed by the bishops and validated by the Roman Dicastery.
Heavenly Father,
In your son Jesus Christ, our brother,
You gave us the he was,
And you spread in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, the flame of charity
May they awaken in us the blessed hope of the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us,
So that we can make the seeds of the Gospel bear fruit,
Who will make humanity and all creation grow,
Confidently awaiting the new heavens and the new earth,
When the powers of evil are defeated,
And your glory manifested forever.
May the grace of the Jubilee,
Who makes us Pilgrims of Hope,
Revives in us the aspiration for heavenly goods
And spread joy and peace throughout the world
Of our Redeemer.
To you, blessed God in eternity,
Praise and glory for ever and ever.