Hanan Rehab, national secretary of the Organization of Federal Women, considered the Royal Court’s communication regarding the working session held by the King with ministers concerned, by virtue of their position and competences, in the file of amending the Family Code, “one of the communications establishing the Morocco to which we aspire.”
Rehab added, in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress, that “the statement can be reduced to the possible Moroccan answer to the accelerating value, societal and cultural transformations. It is an answer that does not reject the era under the pretext of a fixed origin, nor does it cancel historical specificity under the pretext of universal modernity, meaning that we have our own, possible and creative modernity.” .
The same spokeswoman stated that “the communiqué devoted a large amount of space to talking about ijtihad in a way that suits the times,” considering this fact “a clear indication of the victory for a progressive reading of the purposes of the Islamic religion, starting, as stated in the communiqué, from the principles of justice, equality, solidarity and harmony, which was supported by the Minister of Endowments in his speech.” As a member of the Supreme Scientific Council, he was referred to the Moroccan school of jurisprudence through the widespread use of what is called in the principles of jurisprudence “al-Maslah al-Mursalah.”
The national writer for the Federal Women’s Organization confirmed that “this is what the progressive forces were demanding, and that there be compatibility between religious objectives and universal human rights conventions.”
Therefore, Rihab added, “We at the Federal Women’s Organization view all of this positively, and even with reassurance, that we are moving towards amendments that benefit the Moroccan family in its comprehensiveness, and that the expected amendments will be based on the future by trying to block the pretexts that could produce interpretations that lead to injustices.” .
The same political activist pointed out “the importance of the royal directive that the wording of the amendments be sufficiently clear,” highlighting that “this is the most correct way to restrict judges’ interpretations to the greatest extent possible, which will enable the production of similar rulings in similar cases, contrary to what was prevalent.”
The president of the “Federal Women” stressed “the need to consider the symbolism of the working session in the presence of the ministers, who presented whether the conclusions of the committee in the person of the Minister of Justice, or the conclusions of the opinion of the Supreme Scientific Council in the person of the Minister of Endowments,” stressing that “this indicates that the legislative ruler It will take its normal course until parliamentary approval, which supports representative democracy, with an implicit stipulation that although the Code derives its principles from the Islamic religion, it is not sacred, but rather it is a human work that can be developed. And modification and enrichment whenever necessary.