Many commentators in the political and media sphere are criticizing Donald Trump's victory, calling for the collapse of our democracies and pointing out the danger that this leaves hanging over the European Union. For Natacha Polony, editorial director of “Marianne”, the re-election of Donald Trump is only a symptom, and not a cause, of the state of tension and fracturing of Western societies. Moreover, it does not constitute a tragedy for Europe, whose economic and strategic decline is already well advanced.
Let the dust settle. Wait for the penetrating comments on democracy in danger and the coming fascism to be evacuated, and calmly look at what the second election of Donald Trump means and what mechanisms it can trigger. A first observation: the reactions it provoked are exactly those expected by the millions of American citizens who voted for Trump and the millions of people around the world who say they could have done so. It is even a significant part of the motivation for this vote (or that, in France, for the National Rally): to enjoy the disgust of these elites who have screamed fascism for months and whose moral lessons do not have not worn. Negative motivation, born of resentment, certainly.