“yes” and “no” neck and neck in the referendum for the EU, Russia accused of interference – Libération

“yes” and “no” neck and neck in the referendum for the EU, Russia accused of interference – Libération
“yes” and “no” neck and neck in the referendum for the EU, Russia accused of interference – Libération

Pro-Europe President Maia Sandu denounced the actions of “hostile foreign forces” on Sunday. If the “no” vote has long been in the majority, the “yes” vote could win by a narrow margin, according to the near-final results published this Monday, October 21.

In her first official reaction, she denounced “an unprecedented attack on democracy” and promised to “do not bend”. Moldovan President Maia Sandu accused Sunday October 20 of interference in particular by “hostile foreign forces” in the – very close – result of the referendum on the principle of membership in the European Union (EU). “Criminal groups, acting in concert with foreign forces hostile to our national interests, attacked our country with tens of millions of euros, lies and propaganda» pour “trap our country in uncertainty and instability”castigated the pro-Europe head of state, in front of the press, with a serious face.

The “no” vote dominated the race for a long time but the counting of ballots from the diaspora seems to have made it possible to reverse the trend at the last minute. After counting more than 98% of the ballots, the “yes” vote was slightly ahead with 50.03% of the votes, according to the near-final results published early Monday morning by the Electoral Commission.

53% of voters said they were opposed to including the European objective in the Constitution, after counting around 90% of the ballots. These partial results would be a surprise if they are confirmed and a setback for the outgoing president. The trend could, however, be reversed as many votes remained to be counted abroad, where a large diaspora lives.

Between corruption and disinformation operations, the police have carried out 350 searches in recent months and carried out hundreds of arrests of suspects accused of wanting to disrupt the electoral process on behalf of Moscow. A massive vote-buying scheme has been revealed, targeting up to a quarter of voters expected at the polls in the country of 2.6 million people.

According to the WatchDog think tank, Russia spent around a hundred million dollars to influence the vote. With, in the maneuver, the oligarch Ilan Shor, refugee in Moscow after a conviction for fraud. On social networks, he joked about “the rout” by Maia Sandu and her “dismal failure”.

Tense second round for the presidential election

Maia Sandu, who turned her back on Moscow after the invasion of neighboring Ukraine and brought her country’s candidacy to Brussels, had called this referendum to validate her strategy. And determine the “destiny” of this former Soviet republic of 2.6 million inhabitants.

At the same time, the 52-year-old candidate came first in the first round of the presidential election with 38% of the votes. On November 3, she will face Alexandr Stoianoglo, a 57-year-old former prosecutor supported by the pro-Russian socialists, who did better than expected with nearly 29% of the vote.

The first woman to occupy the highest positions in 2020, this former World Bank economist with a reputation for incorruptibility has become a leading European personality in four years.

In a complicated geopolitical environment, with Ukraine at war and Georgia accused of pro-Russian authoritarian drift, Moldova gave Brussels something to hope for. However, after this setback, or at best a close victory, for Maia Sandu in the second round is far from assured.

Alexandr Stoianoglo can count on the vote reserves of many small candidates. During the campaign, this stern-looking man called for “restore justice” in front of a power ready according to the opposition to violate rights and pleaded for a foreign policy “balanced”from the EU to Russia.

Update : at 7:51 a.m., with the addition of the near-final results published by the Electoral Commission.



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