Anthony Hopkins starring in Netflix film about nativity story

Anthony Hopkins starring in Netflix film about nativity story
Anthony Hopkins starring in Netflix film about nativity story

With a unique perspective directly from Mary, the mother of Jesus, a new film is hitting Netflix this winter.

The film, executively produced by pastor, author, and speaker, Joel Osteen, is simply called Mary. It follows the story of Mary and Joseph after their son Jesus is born, as the family flees from King Herod’s deadly pursuit.

Golden Globe award-winning actor Anthony Hopkins portrays King Herod, while Israeli actress Noa Cohen plays the lead as Mary.

Mary Aloe is another producer on the film that was shot in Morocco.

“This film is a labour of love, and needed more than ever — in this very unbuttoned world we live in,” says Aloe in an interview. “As a woman, a person of faith, and a producer, Mary’s story is very important to me,” she said. “While this movie is for families, we always had the youth of the world, our future, as our focus. I always thought, what if we could make an exciting movie about Mary, her family, Joseph and Jesus — a survival thriller. An ever-green film that kids, teens, and families around the world wanted to watch it again and again.”

Anthony Hopkins portrays King Herod in the new faith film on Netflix this winter, called Mary. (Timothy Hayes/Facebook)

Aloe hopes the film will encourage people in their faith journey, as well as allow those not of faith to ask questions.

“[I hope they are] inspired to find out more about the Bible and ask to learn more on their own. I feel this movie about Mary is needed more than ever — a story about the most famous girl in the world. But in my opinion, we knew only a part of her story. This is a breakthrough that we have never seen before. This is a story of faith, hope and pure love.”

As with many recent faith films and shows, the producers hope people find the genuine person within Bible stories they’ve read all their lives.

“She was a young woman, likely filled with her own fears and uncertainties, suddenly asked to carry an immense responsibility,” says Cohen, who studied religious texts before she began acting this role of Mary. “I spent a lot of time reflecting on what it must have been like for her as a young girl becoming a woman in the midst of such divine expectations. I wanted to ensure I conveyed that transformation, the emotional weight she must have carried, and the inner strength that allowed her to move forward. I focused on embodying both her vulnerability and her resilience, as she navigates not only the divine challenges but also the very human ones.”

To keep the film as authentic and Bible-based as possible, many religious scholars were asked the read the script before they ever started filming.

“The script, written in 2020, by writer Timothy Michael Hayes, went through 74 drafts until our shooting script was finalized,” says Aloe. “An important takeaway is to never give up; keep the faith, hope and love in your heart.”

Mary will be available to watch on Netflix on December 6, 2024.



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