In her new book, “Sacred Monsters”, available in bookstores from Éditions Plon, Roselyne Bachelot attempts to explain the gap that has widened between the French and the field of politics. According to her, in our society, “there are no more norms, no more keys to understanding political life“.
“Michel Barnier is not one of the monsters, he is a beast“, declares the former Minister of Culture. For Roselyne Bachelot, politics is divided between the wild beasts, such as Chirac, Sarkozy, Mitterrand and de Gaulle, and the monsterslike Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon.
“Society is anomic. It no longer meets these rules which made the French understand (…) politics”, she explains. “There are no longer any norms and keys to understanding in political life. This arouses terrible rejection,” continues Roselyne Bachelot.
Today, the political class “finds itself unable to generate minimal acceptance“. Because, according to the former minister, “to succeed in building a consensus”, it is not necessary “to be followed by 10% of people who are fanatics”, but rather to be “accepted by 50.1% of French people “.
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