What awaits you in November this time

What awaits you in November this time
What awaits you in November this time
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THE trade union organizations and employers who manage the supplementary pension plan for private sector employees must decide on the extent of the future increase, planned for the 1st November. This revaluation will however be limited, probably less than 2 %.

This decision will be taken at a board meeting on Wednesday October 15. Due to the slowdown in inflation, this increase will be much more modest than those of previous years, notably 2022 (5,12 %) et 2023 (4,9 %).

The value of pensions evolves according to a precise mechanism: “the service value of the point” is adjusted according to inflation, with a sustainability factor of 0,4 pointstipulates article 4 of the national interprofessional agreement of October 5, 2023.

The revaluation of pensions: Agirc-Arrco is already announcing its new amounts for next month

The direct consequences

L’National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee) forecasts that inflation will remain below the bar 2 % by the end of the year. As a result, the pensions paid by Agirc-Arrco will increase by 1.5 to 1.7% from November, according to information revealed by The Parisian.

For an average pension of 540 €this increase will result in a monthly increase of €7.50 to €8.50. The unions hoped for a more significant revaluation, particularly due to the loss of purchasing power of retirees in recent years.

Denis Gravouil, member of the confederal office of the CGTrecently expressed its concerns about the scale of this revaluation, despite the solid level of the regime’s reserves. However, employers’ reluctance limits the chances of obtaining an increase beyond inflation.

In 2023Agirc-Arrco recorded a surplus of 4.3 billion eurosdespite a slight decrease compared to the previous year. This surplus proves that the system remains well funded, but it will not ensure a more generous increase in pensions.

Small Improved Pensions for nearly a million French people: are you one of them and how much will you be entitled to?

Financial outlook for the Agirc-Arrco scheme

Although the plan’s reserves allow a certain financial flexibility, reluctance on the employer’s side makes any significant increase difficult. Negotiations continue to be influenced by the objective of maintaining sustainable management while ensuring financial balance in the years to come.

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