LFI wins presidency of the Economic Affairs Committee

LFI wins presidency of the Economic Affairs Committee
LFI wins presidency of the Economic Affairs Committee

Aurélie Trouvé won to everyone’s surprise. The member for La insoumise was elected, this Wednesday, October 9, president of the Economic Affairs Committee, indicated the X account of the National Assembly. The position was left vacant by Antoine Armand (Together for the Republic), elected to the Palais-Bourbon last June but called to the Ministry of Finance in September.

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This position seemed to be able to go to the deputy Stéphane Travert, of Ensemble pour la République (ex-Renaissance), but the postponements of votes and a disagreement between the macronie and the Republicans opened the way for the election of the deputy for Seine- Saint-Denis. According to Agence France-Presse (AFP), Aurélie Trouvé was elected by twenty-seven votes against twenty-five for Stéphane Travert. She said she was “very honored” after the vote.

In addition to the presidency of the Economic Affairs Committee, two other major positions in the National Assembly were left vacant by the appointment to the government of their incumbent member of the former majority. The presidency of the Foreign Affairs Committee was thus reassigned to Bruno Fuchs (MoDem), while Frédéric Valletoux (Horizons) was elected head of the Social Affairs Committee.

LR wanted a commission presidency

Tension has erupted in recent days between the ex-majority group, chaired by Gabriel Attal, and the Republican Right, led by Laurent Wauquiez, who demanded a commission presidency, leaving the threat of presenting three candidates against those macronia. Finally, the candidates withdrew and the right gave its support to Frédéric Valletoux for the Social Affairs committee, as well as to Bruno Fuchs for the Foreign Affairs committee.

On the other hand, the situation has become complicated for the Economic Affairs Committee. If the deputy Julien Dive (LR) withdrew his candidacy in the third round, the right-wing deputies did not provide their support for Stéphane Travert. According to AFP, the deputies from his camp abstained, while one voted for the Insoumise Aurélie Trouvé. “The LR wanted the presidency of the commission. The Macronists refused and presented their candidate. At 3e In turn, they withdrew and abstained. We are numerically more numerous [à gauche]so we won,” commented a source from the Socialist Party to France Info.

“Pressure and device combinations”

According to Releasethe boss of the Ensemble pour la République (EPR) group, Gabriel Attal, deplored in an internal message the blackmail of the Republican Right. “Today, Laurent Wauquiez’s group made the choice to favor the election of the Insoumise Aurélie Trouvé to the detriment of our colleague Stéphane Travert,” he declared, saying he was “revolted and deeply sorry” for his beaten colleague. And to affirm: “We refused to enter into the pressures and device schemes. » “The common base is support for the government. For the rest, there is only a basis when there is an agreement. EPR did not want to come to an agreement, that is the consequence,” said Laurent Wauquiez’s entourage to France Info.

Prime Minister Michel Barnier reacted to the election of Aurélie Trouvé by expressing concern about the lack of “solidarity” of the “different entities” in his coalition. According to the entourage of the head of government, cited by AFP, he “indicated his concern regarding the solidarity of the different entities of the common base which was ultimately not there”. “The Prime Minister will continue to work with the government on cohesion and action on the common base in the National Assembly and the Senate to address the country’s challenges,” added his entourage.



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