“The feeling of fragility of the Barnier government is total”, despite the rejection of the NFP motion of censure

The Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, and his government “overcame their first obstacle”observe The World. The National Assembly largely rejected, Tuesday October 8, the motion of censure filed against them by the four groups of the New Popular Front (NFP).

This received only 197 votes in favor, well below the threshold of 289 votes necessary for its adoption.

If it had been adopted, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, would have had to appoint a new Prime Minister, explains the New York Times.

“Keep the government in suspense”

The result “is not a surprise”underlines the American daily. The motion “was doomed to failure”, since the National Rally (RN), which the NFP needed for it to pass, had announced before the vote that it would not support it. For the left, which came first in the early legislative elections in July, “it was about keeping the government in suspense and signaling its resolute opposition to a government”, fruit of a “coalition fragile” centrists and conservatives, “which, in his eyes, is an aberration which does not reflect the desire for change of French voters”.

“You should never have appeared in front of me”declared from the podium the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, addressing Mr. Barnier, while he presented the motion of censure. “You cannot ignore the violence of this democratic hijacking.”

“Symbolic”the initiative aimed to “demonstrate that the executive only maintains itself with the support of [la cheffe de file de l’extrême droite] Marine Le Pen”decrypts The Country.

Voting on a motion of censure at this stage would be “premature”justified the RN deputy for Territoire-de-, Guillaume Bigot. “For now, we prefer to put pressure on the government”he said. But in the future, he continued, “we will have no qualms”.

It must be said that the absence of a clear majority at the Palais-Bourbon could place the RN “in an advantageous position”underlines the New York Times. “The party could thus put pressure on the government to adopt radical measures on crime and immigration without having to govern itself.”

“Another test” awaits Michel Barnier

Michel Barnier, “is a Prime Minister insensitive to criticism”notes The Country. “Becoming the target of attacks from the entire parliamentary spectrum – including a large part of the Macronists who support him – he endures without counterattacking because he has no choice.”

“I don’t need to be reminded that we are in a minority government”declared Michel Barnier in the Hemicycle. But, he added, “there is no absolute majority in this assembly, for anyone”.

“The feeling of fragility of this government is total”analyze again The Country. “But the reality is that no one has a clear alternative to Barnier at the moment and it is in everyone’s interests that the former Brexit negotiator is the one burning in the fire of widespread discontent.”

The suspense doesn’t end in any case “not there”as written by New York Times. faces a crucial week to measure the health and stability of its government”note The Country : Thursday, Michel Barnier will present a budget which provides 60 billion euros in savings, including 40 in spending reductions and 20 in tax increases. “Another test” for the head of government, “who is considering controversial measures”warns The World.



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