Poisoning, disguised death, secret document: Russian opponent Alexeï Navalny was allegedly assassinated by the Kremlin according to an investigation

Poisoning, disguised death, secret document: Russian opponent Alexeï Navalny was allegedly assassinated by the Kremlin according to an investigation
Poisoning, disguised death, secret document: Russian opponent Alexeï Navalny was allegedly assassinated by the Kremlin according to an investigation

the essential
Russian opponent Alexeï Navalny was allegedly poisoned in prison according to the Russian investigative media The Insider, which revealed on September 29, 2024 an investigation based on hundreds of internal Kremlin documents.

Alexeï Navalny, the Russian opponent of Vladimir Putin’s regime, was allegedly poisoned according to an investigation by the Russian investigative media The Insider published on September 29, 2024.

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On February 16, the opponent died in the Arctic prison where he was serving a 19-year sentence. According to the final report of the Kemlin investigator, the cause of death was a heart rhythm disorder. However, a first version of this document, consulted by The Insider journalists, reports serious abdominal symptoms that occurred a few hours before his death.

Acute abdominal pain, convulsions… A first censored report

On February 16, the prisoner “lay down on the ground and began to complain of sharp pain in the abdominal area” according to the document. Then the latter “began to reflexively eject the contents of his stomach, was seized by convulsions and lost consciousness”. This information was removed from the final report.

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In 2020, Alexeï Navalny was the victim of a first poisoning attempt. Journalists from The Insider found the emergency doctor who treated him at the time at the Omsk hospital (Russia). Asked about the abdominal symptoms mentioned in the first report on the death of the political opponent, Alexander Polupan declared in their columns: “The official cause of death – a heart rhythm disorder – would in no way explain the symptoms described in the resolution: acute abdominal pain, vomiting or epileptic seizures”, concluding: “These can hardly be explained by anything other than poisoning”.



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