what should you expect in transport this Tuesday?

what should you expect in transport this Tuesday?
what should you expect in transport this Tuesday?

Lhe Olympic truce is now over. This Tuesday, several unions declare a day of social mobilization, marked by a strike at the SNCF. The CGT Cheminots and SUD-Rail have announced a national strike notice which will begin this Monday, September 30 at 7 p.m. and end on Wednesday, October 2 at 8 a.m.

Evening update

Every evening from 6 p.m.

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The railway company warned that “train traffic will be slightly disrupted on the SNCF network this Tuesday October 1, 2024”. Detailed line-by-line forecasts will only be available on Monday September 30, but the SNCF has already indicated that traffic “will be normal on TGV links”, while specifying that “some traffic could be slightly disrupted on certain regional trains (TER, Transilien) as well as certain Intercity connections”.

ALSO READ Pensions, APL, gas prices… Everything that changes on October 1stIn their press release announcing the strike, the unions demand several points, in particular “the end of the breakage of the social contract and the process of subsidizing FRET railway workers and approved transport subject to opening to competition”, as well as ” the revaluation/redesign of work bonuses and the recognition of qualifications for all railway workers”.

Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT, declared at the microphone of Info : “The page will not turn as long as the pension reform is there. We must repeal this reform and put other funding proposals on the table. » She then insisted: “It’s the return match against pension reform. We can obtain its repeal, this is what Michel Barnier’s declaration shows. The balance of power is on our side. We must push our advantage. »

“Cancel or postpone your trips”

The demonstration in , scheduled to start on Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Place Denfert-Rochereau, was to coincide with the presentation of the budget to the Assembly, which was postponed. This event will take place just before the Prime Minister’s general policy speech at 3:00 p.m., where the latter will set the course for his policy, while many social issues, such as unemployment insurance and employment of seniors, remain outstanding.

On the SNCF website, it is recommended to “cancel or postpone your trips planned for October 1st”. For TGV and Intercités travelers, the company undertakes to contact those concerned by SMS or e-mail. If your train runs but includes a connection with a TER train, it is also recommended to check that the latter is well maintained in your region.

In addition, SNCF informs that it is possible to postpone your trip or exchange your ticket for another date free of charge, or to cancel your trip to obtain a full refund via the ticket tab or in your customer account.



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