Christophe Licata was invited, this Friday, January 24, to the set of It starts today. He spoke about a difficult period in his life when he lost his grandmother and had to support his loved ones affected by the illness. Confidences rich in emotion.
The competition is getting ready. On February 7, the most famous dance floor in France will reopen its doors to the delight of viewers. Last year, the season of Dancing with the stars ended with the coronation of Natasha St-Pier, but the 2024 edition was above all marked by the behind-the-scenes tensions between the stars. The production wishes to forget this unfortunate episode with a brand new casting. Lénie, Sophie Davant, Florent Manaudou and Franck Leboeuf will step out of their comfort zone to prove that they also know about ballroom dancing. If fans of the program get used to the absence of Maxime Dereymez, due to the abandonment of his partner, Christophe Licata will be back. However, the last few years have been difficult for the dancer and he was even forced to take a significant leave of absence during season 12.
The drama that knocked out Christophe Licata
This Friday, January 24, Christophe Licata was Faustine Bollaert’s guest in It starts today to talk about depression and a time of life that was difficult. He still remembers the day when a simple song from Grand Corps Mala brought back all his anxieties. “I couldn’t listen to this song until the end”he remembers when he had to perform a choreography on it for Dancing with the stars : “I was going through a difficult time in my familyI had just lost my grandmother, I had my uncle sick; it was complicated. At the end it said, ‘I’m cold’ and I was imagining myself in my apartment saying to myself, ‘I can’t do this. It’s too hard”.
-Christophe Licata’s fight
“Me, my grandmother, I lived a street from her house, she’s more than a grandmother”confides Christophe Licata, no longer able to hold back his tears. “I miss her a lot. Even today her absence… It tugs at my insides”explains the singer, before adding: “I have a special relationship with her and this song said everything I can feel for them. When I do Dancing with the starsI’m estranged from my family and I have a really close relationship with my family and it’s heartbreaking for me.”. A few weeks later, Christophe Licata learned that his wife was suffering from “eye tumor”. A long fight then began.