Pope Francis asked on Saturday, on the occasion of the communication jubilee, the release of all journalists “unjustly imprisoned”, in a speech he gave to participants but that he did not say.
He first recalled “all those who are imprisoned simply for having been faithful to the profession of journalist, photographer, videographer, for wanting to go see with their own eyes and to have tried to report what they saw “.
Then the Argentinian pope launched his appeal: “In this holy year, in this jubilee of the world of communication, I ask the rulers to ensure that all journalists unjustly imprisoned are released”.
François also assured that “the freedom of journalists increases our freedom to everyone. Their freedom is the freedom of each of us”.
“I ask, as I have done many times and as my predecessors did before me, that freedom of the press and the freedom to express your thoughts are defended and protected, as well as the fundamental right of 'Be informed, “continued the Pope.
According to the sovereign pontiff, “free, responsible and correct information is a heritage of knowledge, experiences and virtues that must be preserved and promoted. Without that, we risk no longer distinguishing the truth from lie”.
-Pope Francis also deplored the death of “all those who sacrificed their lives during the past year, one of the deadliest for journalists”.
The day before, he had denounced a marked era “by disinformation and polarization, where some power centers control an unprecedented mass of data and information”, in a context of controversy over the role of social networks.
Posted on January 25 at 1:21 p.m. AFP