Lescure-d’Albigeois. First preparations for the May 8 fair

Lescure-d’Albigeois. First preparations for the May 8 fair
Lescure-d’Albigeois. First preparations for the May 8 fair

The association Animation and Economic Promotion of Lescure is already preparing the garden fair of May 8. The managers of this dynamic association chaired by Nicole Albagnac are active to welcome the best exhibitors and visitors. Good communication is also essential to make this day a total success, and the achievement of an attractive poster is underway. A meeting will take place with the representatives of the ADMR of Lescure for the traditional lunch in the Tripous and the technical services of the town hall will also be consulted. The exhibition of ancient cars and tractors had been very successful last year and in collaboration with Patrick Mercier and Dominique Hérail, this operation will be renewed. The list of other animations will be revealed later.



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