Released in 1993, Doom was one of the first games to popularize the first-person view and frenetic combat, laying the foundation for the FPS genre. Its indirect sequel, Doom 2 also left an indelible mark in the history of video games in 1994, to the point that an amateur remake, Doom 2: RAY TRACEDeven honored him last year. The series even landed on Android and iOS with Mighty DOOMbut it was not a real success and the game no longer exists.
Doom the first of the name has already been the subject of interesting experiments, like that of a certain Nobuaki Tanaka, who managed to launch it on… Microsoft Excel (if you want to know more, the video is still on YouTube). This time, we’re taking the difficulty up a notch, this creator has managed to make it playable in PDF format, which, we remind you, was designed in 1992 to present documents.