A new molecular agent to treat bone pathologies

Lecturer at the University of and hospital practitioner at Angers University Hospital, Guillaume Mabilleau coordinates the Android 2 project. His research focuses on molecules that reduce fractures.

Guillaume Mabilleau.
For around fifteen years, the Regos team at the Rmes laboratory (Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton) focuses on the pathophysiology and aging of bone tissues, with a particular interest in the intestine/bone relationship. “ If we put aside the primary part of the intestine (absorbing nutrients), we find specialized cells in the epithelium that release hormones, explains Guillaume Mabilleau. We have discovered three main ones, capable of controlling the quality of the “elementary brick”, which constitutes our bones.. »

This research was at the heart of Android, a prematurity program Satt Ouest Valuation launched in 2016. The objective was to develop new molecules to treat bone fragility because today, one in two treated patients will still fracture. »

Faced with this observation, Guillaume Mabilleau and his team looked into the quality of the elementary brick. “ In many pathologies, this building block can be altered, so we have generated molecules, around ten in total, which target this building block. »

« Reduce the risk of fracture by 100% »

A bone biopsy on which we observe the different structures using a micro-spectrometer.

The rest of the project, named Android 1, is a maturation project. “ We provided proof of our results on two pathologies of bone fragility: postmenopausal osteoporosis and osteogenesis imperfecta.adds the researcher. We had a dilemma on osteoporosis because the recommendations from drug regulatory agencies are not about reducing fractures but about increasing the amount of bone material. They approach the problem in reverse while we improve bone strength by 92%! »

The marketing authorization is then postponed but the biotech Salto Therapeutics nevertheless shows interest in the results and the Android 2 project begins in September 2024, in co-maturation and the Satt. “ We are considering the creation of a dedicated start-up, a subsidiary of Salto Therapeutics, before the end of 2025 in order to develop the molecule. After an initial pharmacological safety study, we will acquire data which will be used to launch a clinical trial. »

Android 2 is positioned in the rare pediatric disease market since osteogenesis imperfecta mainly concerns children. Victims of multiple fractures, sometimes even without shock, they can be subject to numerous problems: recurrent scoliosis, facial deformation, growth problems, etc. “ Ultimately, we want to reduce the risk of fracture by 100%.. »



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