Mac users again targeted by hacking campaign via fake ads

Mac users again targeted by hacking campaign via fake ads
Mac users again targeted by hacking campaign via fake ads

A new hacking campaign uses Google ads to trick MacBook owners.

Hackers are increasingly targeting MacBook owners. Cybersecurity experts at Malwarebytes published a report on June 27 about a new hacking campaign targeting macOS users. Called Poseidon, this new infostealer – a malware programmed to steal data – is distributed through ads on Google. The current campaign relies on ads for the Arc browser, which is particularly popular among Apple computer owners.

Arc is a free web browser billed as a Chrome replacement for macOS, iOS, and Microsoft Windows.

Cybercriminals have deployed fake sites, copying the Arc designer, and promoting it on advertising inserts.

A fake ad for Arc on Google. // Source: MalwareBytes

Interested people will stumble upon an Arc clone platform and download malware. Poseidon will quietly siphon off all data from the device, targeting password managers for example.

A fake site that prompts you to download the browser. // Source: MalwareBytes

MacBooks increasingly targeted by hackers

Poseidon is provided on Russian-language hacker forums. The developers first offered a version for Windows before releasing a variant for Mac in mid-June. More and more malware is now being reprogrammed to hit Apple users as well.

Poseidon is also the new identity of a popular infostealer on macOS, RodStealer. Its developer had added new capabilities such as stealing information from VPNs.

Malwarebytes recommends remaining vigilant about ads on Google and installing an ad blocker (except for media like Numerama).

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