Our complete walkthrough of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD on Nintendo Switch

Our complete walkthrough of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD on Nintendo Switch
Our complete walkthrough of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD on Nintendo Switch

Few years later Luigi’s Mansion 3the Nintendo Switch welcomes an HD version of Luigi’s Mansion 2 , originally released on Nintendo 3DS. This is the opportunity to discover or rediscover the Valley of Shadows, the new region of this adventure, where the ghosts have decided to sow discord all the way to the laboratory of Prof K. Tastroff.

In addition to the puzzles that will pepper Luigi’s route until the final confrontation with the terrible King Boo, it is also possible to collect thirteen precious stones in each of the five locations to explore. A Boo is also hidden in each level: suffice to say that you have to search each area from top to bottom to make sure you don’t miss anything!

To help you find everything, we have put together a walkthrough, as we like to do. So, without further delay, discover our complete guide to be sure to finish Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD 100 %.

The complete journey

Get to work! There are plenty of ghosts to vacuum up in Luigi’s Mansion 2! | NINTENDO
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Get to work! There are plenty of ghosts to vacuum up in Luigi’s Mansion 2! | NINTENDO

Before you go hunting for bosses and gems, you can focus on the main missions to know the places to explore inside out. This is a good way to discover every nook and cranny, and it will certainly help you when you come back!

To go through each level of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HDdon’t hesitate to follow our journey.

Beat all bosses

Some monsters in Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD are scarier than others, like this very voracious carnivorous plant! It’s not a boss though… So imagine their size! | NINTENDO
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Some monsters in Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD are scarier than others, like this very voracious carnivorous plant! However, it’s not a boss… So imagine their size! | NINTENDO

Each of the five worlds ends with an encounter with a boss. Spirit Eaters, powerful ghosts capable of possessing objects or living beings, have indeed decided to make life difficult for Luigi. They carefully guard the pieces of the Black Moon and will not hesitate to do anything to prevent the plumber from carrying out his mission. These adversaries are so powerful that they each have an entire level dedicated to them.

To make sure you don’t struggle during a fight, don’t hesitate to consult our guide to the bosses of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD .

Find all the Boos

Thanks to the revealoscope obtained in level A-4, it is possible to make the invisible appear. We thus discover hidden objects, in which the Boos sometimes take refuge! These shy ghosts like to hide in the most unexpected places, and you have to flush them out before you can catch them.

Once again, Luigi will have to face the Bosses and their terrible sovereign, King Boo! | NINTENDO
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Once again, Luigi will have to face the Bosses and their terrible sovereign, King Boo! | NINTENDO

By catching all the Boos in a single world, you unlock a bonus mission where the goal is to capture all the ghosts as quickly as possible in the four corners of the corresponding location. So you can count on our Boos walkthrough of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD to help you !



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